Monday, June 17, 2013

Savor the moment. Remember the gifts.

I turn on the faucet and depress the pump. Into my palm floats a foamy, aromatic peak. 
I place it below my nose and inhale.
I see Donna's face. She laughs as I tell her I will think of her every day as I feel grateful for this exotic gift. The hand soap is titled "Sicilian lemons."
But I think of Meyer lemons and the tree in my back yard for 24 years on Apple Blossom Drive in San Jose.Those lemons were an opulent contribution to so many cherry pies, apple cobblers and lemon bars.  A free gift of nature, the lemons consistently gifted me in frozen slices that cooled my guest's water glasses. To this day I am known throughout my extended family for lemon bars. 
As we stand in line to make the purchase, Donna tells me that Harry is experiencing some disconcerting health symptoms and asks me to pray. I agree.
So as I rub my hands today, and savor an elegant mini massage of my own palms, I pray for Harry. And in a split second I have gone to San Jose and back twice.
I rinse.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What? Where is the year going?

So much for new year's resolutions. My blog has become so dusty from disuse I hardly could remember where to go.
I've been to two graduations, celebrated birth-month and Easter, taken trips to Tahoe and Santa Cruz. 
But I put off writing. Hmmmm.
Apologies to all you busy people out there who were looking for some interesting inspiration.
Today is a new day!
I leave behind any self recriminations and press on to a new post.
May your day be full of relaxation and what you love to do most.