Friday, January 27, 2017

Don't be too busy to pray for a life

I began my day like I usually do, turning to the Magnificat for the prayers of the day.
I discover that it’s the feast of St. Angela Merici.
Which leads me to remember that it’s my daughter’s birthday! This saint offers me an annual reminder. And 38 years ago today, my eldest was born.
And then I remember that today is also the Life March.
Oh, God, what a privilege it is to give birth. And I pray that in honor of my daughter today that God would help one woman to choose not to go through with an abortion planned for today. Let a child live today as a birthday present for me and Sarah.
And that thought leads me to ask God to make it two children. Well, then, why not 10? God is all powerful and able to give help when we ask. Next I remember Abraham, bargaining with God over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
“What if there were 20?”
God, would you spare a child for each of the 38 years my daughter has been alive? It’s not too much to ask you, oh Almighty God, because you can choose to offer assistance, just as you knocked St. Paul to the ground to get his attention. Let a baby’s father, or grandparent, or some other influencer offer the assistance or encouragement these mothers need to carry their children to term.
I pray for these women and children now, God, and thank you for hearing me. I look forward to meeting them some day, perhaps in heaven.
And God, while I’m here, can I ask for an early birthday present of 62 lives, and another 62 lives when my birthday comes around?

An invitation:
Will you join me today in praying that a child would be spared from abortion for every year that you have been alive?